When my children were little I started a craft business called Creative Crafts. I taught arts and crafts classes to children ages 4-11. Each 6 week session we explored many craft techniques including: making collages, black and white, color studies, faux painting,book making, we even baked and created"food art". I then hired other moms to teach sewing classes and sketching classes for the older children.
During the summer my mom and I held a music and art camp and incorporated reading, art and music into our daily activities. Of course birthday parties followed and I had a venue where I held parties.
This business was great because my children could take the classes and as they got older they became my "paid" helpers!
At Grandma's Shoppe we have many talented artists that are mom-preneurs. They juggle their daily schedule around to "make it work". They must create and market their products while raising a family...
One of our mom - preneurs, Kristie, created "Scribble Pad's" A perfect place for a child to write and illustrate their stories. Writing has become such an important part of our children's education. These pads are a perfect spot to write poems, stories, songs, or just draw a picture. Take them to a museum and copy a work of art!!
If you're interested in starting a craft business please feel free to contact me for more information!