April 15, 2009

The Quest for the Perfect Blog

Administrative Professionals Day is April 22, 2009. It used to be known as Secretary's Day. According to Wikipedia, it is observed on the Wednesday of the last full week of April. This "holiday' was created to honor secretaries and encourage individuals to consider working in this field. The first holiday recognizing the importance of Administrative Assistants goes back to the year 1952.

I decided to sift through my unorganized "saved blogs' on my favorites page. Not an easy task! My goal, find a fun blog that is created by an Administrative Assistant. After scrolling up and down on my favorites, I came across a blog that is both humorous and rich in content.

"Laughing All the Way to Work: A Survival Blog for Today's Administrative Assistant" is written by Patricia Robb. She has been an Administrative Assistant for approximately 30 years and recently was promoted to an Executive Assistant position.(She's also a grandmother!)

Patricia's blog gives useful suggestions that administrative assistants can use throughout their work day. Her articles also apply to everyday work experiences and employees working in different job capacities will also be able relate to this blog.

In her article,"Keep your Inbox running on Empty", she discusses ways to create folders and a few sub folders of incoming e-mails in order to organize incoming e-mail. For instance, she has a folder designated for her bosses e-mails so she can keep them all together.

The articles have amusing titles such as, When working isn't fun" Ho hum, ho hum, it's off to work I go and How to get Office Fat fast. They are easy to read and offer lots of great advice.

Please acknowledge your administrative professionals with a gift or card. Feel free to e-mail grandma@grandmasshoppe.com and we'll help you put together a special gift or gift basket.


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