March 11, 2009

Wednesday Blog Recommendations

Reading Blogs has opened up a whole new world for me. When Meg, our web designer, asked if we'd like to have a blog as a part of our website we said sure. Not really knowing what a blog really was.

I started asking our vendors to share their favorite blogs with me. I began reading the blogs and found out that each had it's own special niche. Whether it offered special coupons, free merchandise, insight into family events, and other fascinating information. There was a blog for everyone.

Which blogs would be right for me? My children are teenagers now so the blogs offering baby advice might not be a good fit. I started surfing the Internet determined to find blogs that offered something that would spark my interest. Perhaps recipes, coupons, or business advice. One that I could relate to and enjoy reading.

To date I have found many that I'm enjoying and I've started to subscribe to my favorite blogs. I find myself looking forward to the updates that arrive in my e-mail.

Every Wednesday I will share a blog with you that I'm enjoying. Please feel free to submit your favorites.

Today's Blog Recommendation is Thrifty & Chic Mom Living Life Spending Less. This blog is written by Ellen, a young stay at home mom with two children. Her philosophy is to live life to its fullest while staying on a budget. It contains, weekly deals at stores, coupons, yummy recipes, lots of fun give-a-ways and family updates. I find it well organized and easy to navigate.

Tonight I'm going to try the Chicken Enchilada recipe. (scroll to bottom of page)
I'll tell you how it comes out!!



Rebecca Anne said...

It's really hard for me to pick even a few favorite blogs. My own blog is random enough it doesn't fit any sort of theme and the ones I follow are like a huge rainbow of information.
Reading your entry made me realize I'm all over the place! (smile)
But it's good, I get to gleam so much information from so many individuals that most of the time I feel like I've discovered a gold mine on the Internet.
Have a beautiful weekend.

Anonymous said...

hi all