I was very surprised to learn that Thursday, August 13, is Left-Handers Day. I had no idea that there was a day dedicated to left handers. The celebration began in 1992 by a support club called The Left-Handers Club!
Approximately 10% of the population is left handed. There are many famous left handers including, Prince William, Marilyn Monroe, Leonardo da Vinci, Jimi Hendrix, Martina Navratilova and Nicole Kidman. The members of The Left Handers club voted Barack Obama The Left Hander Of The Year 2008!
Our oldest daughter is a lefty. When she started playing softball we were never sure whether or not she needed a mitt for her left or right hand. It turned out that she needed a lefty mitt but who knew...she wasn't able to catch with either hand. It wasn't until she got older that we figured it out! She kicked stronger with her right leg in soccer and with bowling, well she still isn't sure if she bowls with her left or right hand, seems she's not very good either way!
I showed her some of the lefty websites this morning after announcing how excited I was that there was a day dedicated to left handers. We've purchased special scissors and notebooks for her in the past. I have a feeling that some of the kitchen items may be very helpful to her. Especially the measuring cups. I'll have to do some more research!
When I asked her if she felt that there were products that she's have difficulty with, she mentioned that the one thing that she always had trouble with was opening her locker in school. She said she couldn't open the lock easily. She also mentioned that most of her friends could open it and then hook it back on the hook. This was impossible for her to do!
If you're interested in checking out some left products check out the Left Hand Zone
Our daughter has been blessed with all of the qualities that lefties are said to possess, she's creative, artistic and imaginative.
To all of my friends that are left handed, Happy Left Handers Day!
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